Deadline After Deadline.  Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental Activists Unite.

Deadline After Deadline. Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental Activists Unite.

The American people are being presented with a rare window of opportunity for effective diplomacy.  Right now, branches of Republican rhetoric are merging with branches of progressiveness at the tree trunk of unity.  But, where is this tree trunk?  What Ideology could be endowed with such universal truths?  Lets start with a brief description of Plato's taxonomy system.

Modern ethicists tend to rely on eastern taxonomy systems.  They classify organisms based on intellect.  So, the mineral is actually part of their taxonomy.  Minerals are the lowest kingdom.  Plants are above minerals.  Animals are above plants.  But, humans are  not animals.  We are in our very own kingdom.  We rule over all the other kingdoms.  But, are we benevolent rulers?

Right now, Donald Trump is in the process of renegotiating NAFTA.  He sits across the table from people who represent the business interest of every farm and factory south of Texas.  But, those farms and factories operate without the kinds of regulations we have in the United States.  The dignity of every kingdom of Plato's taxonomy system is disregarded by these businesses.  That includes the mistreatment of humans.  

In Mexico, terrified pigs are dragged into bloody slaughter houses.  Many of them are disabled with a cattle prods.  Then the farm workers butcher them alive.  Those same farm workers get paid about two dollars per day.  They live in deplorable conditions.  They breath some of the dirtiest air in the world.  But, they do it all to feed and clothe American consumers.  So, nobody is even thinking about these people durring the NAFTA negotiations.  

This is a time for you to forget about what others could do to help.  Focus on what you can do.  You can forge alliances with like minded people.  You can spread this message of unity.  Start by making extensive use of the social media buttons below.

Lost at Sea.  The Quest for Bo Dietl's Political Homeland.

Lost at Sea. The Quest for Bo Dietl's Political Homeland.

Cute Pigs, Donald Trump, and the Untold Horrors of Mexican Agriculture.

Cute Pigs, Donald Trump, and the Untold Horrors of Mexican Agriculture.