Take this Job and Shove it!  Sean Spicer and the Real  Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Take this Job and Shove it! Sean Spicer and the Real Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

When I first heard of Sean Spicer's resignation, I was concerned.  I don't think it's easy to find a qualified White House Press Secretary.  So, I tested my theory with a Craigslist posting.  I was right.  I didn't find any qualified candidates.  But, it's a good thing somebody found Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  She's the reluctant new press secretary with a name that's impossible for any journalist to shorten. 

You might not know the story yet.  But, Donald Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci against the urging of Sean Spicer.  After that, Sean Spicer reportedly smuggled a stolen mini fridge out of the White House offices.  At the time of this articles publication, he has not yet returned the mini fridge or it's contents.  Anyway, somewhere along the way, Sarah Huckabee Sanders got sucked into the position of White House Press Secretary.  Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I guess that's why White House staffers get paid the small bucks.  

Does Sarah Huckabee Sanders actually want this job?  What are the virtues of a good White House Press secretary?  What are the responsibilities?  Spending hours reading about the history of the position has lead me to one undeniable conclusion.  It made me realize that I need help from you.  I need you to make extensive use of the social media buttons below.

Cute Pigs, Donald Trump, and the Untold Horrors of Mexican Agriculture.

Cute Pigs, Donald Trump, and the Untold Horrors of Mexican Agriculture.

How Much Can Mueller Carry?  Donald Trump Slows Down the Russia Investigation.

How Much Can Mueller Carry? Donald Trump Slows Down the Russia Investigation.