A United States Map of leading church bodies shows a medium sized pocket of Catholicism at the bottom of the otherwise Southern Baptist state of Texas. Just one state over, in Louisiana, the Catholic section gets smaller. Then, in Mississippi, there is only one small Catholic county. Charles Black grew up in that tiny Catholic slither of an otherwise Southern Baptist state.
Charles's education has always been theologically intensive. He attended Catholic schools from kindergarten though twelfth grade. The curriculum included biblical theology, as well as multi faith studies in Buddhism, Hindu, and Krishna. In 2001, Charles Black graduated from Louisiana State University with a BS in Economics.
In 2013, Charles Black converted to the Baha'i faith. The practice of this religion always involves teaching and learning. However, Ruhi training is widely accepted as a standard curriculum. In 2015, Charles Black completed Ruhi Book 6 training. Now, he maintains this website as a resource for people hoping to gain a better understanding of the faith.