They Gave Me a Title and Everything !!!  The Political Rise of Jack Burkman.

They Gave Me a Title and Everything !!! The Political Rise of Jack Burkman.

The political pyramid always looks taller when you are standing atop it.  But, for Jack Burkman, the political pyramid will never look tall from any perspective.  He's the newly appointed director of the newly formed TPP (The Profiling Project).  I personally avoid beginning my acronyms with the word "the".  But, then again TPP probably isn't really an acronym anyway.  So, what is the TPP?

I decided to go deep on this one.  I swam through an endless sea of merciless, satirical articles on the topic.  Finally, I found my way to the TPPs  actual website.  At the time of this articles publication, the website features a few paragraphs about the Seth Rich murder, some useless photos, and two videos.  One video is of this real life press conference they had.  It features cameras, reporters, and some really hot girl holding a microphone.  Is she wondering why anyone would pay her to be there?  I am.  Their official YouTube video of that press conference had 72 views.   

Is Jack Burkman a real life investigator like the ones in the movies?  What, if anything, could he contribute to the Seth Rich mystery?  Could there be another, more qualified investigator working on this?  I urge you to search the internet seeking answers to these questions.  But, before you do that, make extensive use of the social media buttons below.

Flashing Before our Eyes!  Two Weeks with North Korea.

Flashing Before our Eyes! Two Weeks with North Korea.

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