Pardon My French. Marcon and Trump? Or, Pros and Cons?
No two world leaders are exactly alike. Some are similar to each other. Some are the opposites of each other. In the curious case of Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron, none of these things appear to be true. Their ideologies are neither parallel nor perpendicular. This can be partially attributed to the harshly unique nature of the French political landscape.
Prior to 2016 the French party system was a virtual thorn bush of political loyalties. The two main parties were the conservative Republicans and the liberal "Parti Socialiste." Neither of these parties could obtain a majority alone. For this, they would need to form a network of shaky alliances with some of the twenty-plus competing French political parties. So, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That is, until the configuration friends and enemies gets shifted and disturbed. It almost always does.
The date was April 6th 2016. The battleground of French democracy was crying out for unity. That's when Emmanuel Marcon seized the opportunity. He founded the party "En Marche!". It is almost always spelled with an exclamation point. This mustard seed of a movement rapidly grew into a full-grown, towering mustard tree. About a year after it's inception, the shadow of this tree would drown out all of the competing political thorns in the 2017 presidential election. Emmanuel Marcon won.
Today, many Americans feel like they are marching their way through the virtual thorn bushes of partisan politics. We cry out for unity. We wonder who will plant this virtuous mustard seed. When and where will the tree of unity overwhelm the garden of our American community?
Today, I am giving you the opportunity to plant that mustard seed. I want to know your vision for what the American centrist movement should look like. In fact, I want to know every bodies visions. That's why everybody who reads this should use the social media buttons below as you finish reading this message.